Returns & Cancellation Policy
- At, we offer our customers the convenience of hassle-free returns and product exchanges.
- You may return the order to us within seven (07) days of receiving the shipment. Kindly note that after this period, we would not be accepting any returns for any reasons whatsoever.
- While we take utmost care during order-fulfillment and packaging of your order, in the rare event of your product being damaged or defective the customer will have to return the product to us with original tags and packaging material; the shipping costs/courier charge would have to be completely borne by the customer. Within 48 hours of receiving your returns, we shall send an acknowledgement mail to you on your registered email address and would ask for your account details to process the refund. Within seven (07) working days, the refund would be processed to your account, the amount of which would be equivalent to the amount spent by you at the time of purchase of that particular product including the original shipping charges borne by you at the time of order placement. Please note that under no circumstances would the shipping charge or courier charge borne by you for making the return would be reimbursed to you.
- Also, in case of you not finding the product as per your expectations or you wishing to return the product for any other reason the same procedure as above would need to be followed.
- If we have sent out a wrong item to you by mistake, then the courier charges or shipping expenses borne by you in returning the product back to us would also be reimbursed to you along with the amount spent by you in purchasing that product which also includes the amount spent by you towards shipping charges at the time of order placement.
- Kindly be informed that we will not accept returns of discounted merchandise ( any product with discount ranging from 20% to 50%) unless we have sent a wrong item to you by mistake instead of the one that you had ordered.
- Kindly do not dispatch the products before receiving a "Return Accepted" Confirmation email from us, we will not be able to entertain such requests.
- Please also note that we would not be able to accept returns of products that are customized or made-to-order according to the customer's requirements.
All in all, the following steps need to be followed for returning any item to us:
1. Informing Pintoo Lifestyle : In case you have any complaints regarding the product you have received, please ensure that you report it to us within 48 hours of receiving the product.
2. Confirmation email from Pintoo Lifestyle: You will receive an acknowledgement e-mail from us on confirming a Return Authorization, within 2-3 business days with a message "Return Accepted". Please do not ship items before you receive this email from us. We will be unable to process any "Items Returned" without the Return Authorization Reference. You may be asked to send pictures of the product in question if required. In case needed, we'd request you for a digital picture of the item for our internal review to be able to process your request.
3. When shipping the product/s back to us, the shipping costs/courier expenses to be borne by you.
4. After the product/s is/are received by us, we would verify the condition of the product/s and check whether the original tags/barcodes and packaging is intact. After verification, we would send an email to you asking for your account details to process the refund.
5. The refund would be processed to you within seven (07) working days after we have received the product/s.
Post inspection of returned item(s), our Customer Care team will propose either of the below two remedial solutions to you on a case to case basis:
- Store Credit to be used for shopping any merchandise on OR
- Refund of the entire amount spent by you on your order. In any case, the refunds will not exceed the actual amount paid by you.
Please note that in exceptional or unforeseen circumstances such as a pandemic, natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, cyclones or due to any man-made calamity such as riots or any government imposed lockdown, we would not be able to fulfill your order or there might be an unprecedented delay in delivery. If however we are unable to fulfill your order, we would provide you a Store Credit that you would redeem against any future purchase. Kindly note that we would not be able to refund the money to you in these circumstances.
If you wish to cancel your order after placing it with us due to a change of mind or any other reason, you are requested to send us an intimation by email in 24 hours of purchase. We would then send you an email accepting your order cancellation and asking for your bank account details to process the refund. Normally, it takes two (02) to three (03) business days for any transaction amount to get reflected in our account. After we have received your amount in our bank account, we would start processing the refund. The refund would be given for the entire amount that you spent in making the transaction.
Kindly note that after the deadline of 24 hours, we would not be able to accept any order cancellation requests.
Though we initiate the refund processing immediately after the amount gets reflected in our account, payments and transfers are dependent on the time a bank takes to process the amount back to your account. We've still attempted to estimate the time it might take to get your funds reimbursed as below:
Mode Of Payment Refund |
Resolution Time |
Refund Mode |
Credit Card |
10 business days from the Date of Initiation |
Credit Card |
Debit Card |
10 business days from the Date of Initiation |
Debit Card |
7 - 8 business days from the Date of Initiation |
If you still have questions or you need more clarity on any of the points explained above, please feel free to contact our Customer Care team on +91 9879872992 or email us at